Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University, Suzhou China
Androgen deprivation therapy 雄激素阻断治疗
External beam radiotherapy 体外放射治疗
Minimally invasive therapies 微创治疗
Prostate cancer in old man radical prostatectomy 前列腺老年患者前列腺癌根治术
Options other than surgery and radiotherapy for the primary treatment of localised prostate cancer 局部前列腺癌除手术和放疗以外的其他初级治疗选择
Cryosurgery 冷冻手术
Complications of cryosurgery for primary treatment of prostate cancer 前列腺癌冷冻手术并发症
Results of modern cryosurgery for prostate cancer 现代前列腺癌冷冻手术疗效
Focal therapy of prostate cancer 前列腺癌的重点治疗法
Patient selection for focal therapy 重点治疗法病人的选择
Pre-therapeutic assessment of patients 患者的治疗前评估
High-intensity focused ultrasound of the prostate (HIFU) 前列腺高强度聚焦超声
Photodynamic therapy 光动力疗法
Radiofrequency ablation and electroporation 射频消融与电穿孔
Post-treatment quality of life in patients with localised prostate cancer 局部前列腺癌患者的治疗后生活质量
Active surveillance and watchful waiting 主动监视和等待观察
Complications of high-intensity focused ultrasound 高强度聚焦超声的并发症
External-beam radiotherapy and low-dose rate brachytherapy 体外放射治疗与低剂量率近距离放射治疗
Radiotherapy toxicity 放射治疗的毒性反应
Post-treatment hormonal therapy 治疗后的激素疗法
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Prostate Cancer Life Style Ontology
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