Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University, Suzhou China
Work environment 工作环境
Psychological stress 精神上的压力
Foods 食物
Sulforaphane 萝卜硫素
Broccoli 西兰花
Dietary inflammatory index 饮食炎症指数
Carbohydrate 碳水化合物
Glucosinolate 硫代葡萄糖苷
Heterocyclic aromatic amines 杂环芳胺
Dietary fat intake 脂肪摄取量
Fatty Acid 脂肪酸
Whole fat 全脂
Fibre 纤维
Meat 肉类
Cow milk 奶类
Pizza 披萨
Plant 植物
Preserved foods 腌制食品
Pomegranate 石榴
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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Data Platform
Prostate Cancer Life Style Ontology
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