Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Sichuan University West China Hospital, Sichuan China
折叠 前列腺癌前列腺癌
折叠 前列腺癌流行病学前列腺癌流行病学
展开 患者基本信息患者基本信息
展开 个人病史个人病史
展开 遗传和表观遗传遗传和表观遗传
折叠 前列腺癌的生活方式前列腺癌的生活方式
展开 个人背景特征个人背景特征
展开 行为习惯行为习惯
展开 环境环境
展开 矿物质矿物质
展开 维他命维他命
展开 药物或手术药物或手术
展开 疾病疾病
展开 社会因素社会因素
折叠 食物食物
展开 生理生化生理生化
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展开 前列腺癌的治疗前列腺癌的治疗
Preferred Name Heterocyclic Amines
Definition Exhibiting a cyclic structure containing at least one amino (NH2) group, some Heterocyclic Amines are carcinogenic chemicals formed from cooking meat such as beef, pork, fowl, and fish when amino acids and creatine (found in muscle) react at high temperatures. About 17 identified heterocyclic amines that result from cooking meat may increase human cancer risk. Because of the high temperatures used, frying, broiling, and barbecuing produce the largest amounts of heterocyclic amines. (NCI04)
NCI-GLOSS Definition: A chemical that is formed when meat, poultry, or fish is cooked at high temperatures, such as frying, broiling, and barbecuing. Heterocyclic amines are carcinogens (substances that may cause cancer).
Synonyms & Abbreviations HAA;
heterocyclic amine;
Heterocyclic Amines;
Heterocyclic Aromatic Amine;
Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines
ReferenceCode NCI Thesaurus Code:C1926
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