Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Sichuan University West China Hospital, Sichuan China
折叠 Prostate cancerProstate cancer
折叠 Epidemiological aspects of prostate cancerEpidemiological aspects of prostate cancer
展开 Basic information of patientBasic information of patient
展开 Personal medical historyPersonal medical history
展开 Genetic and epigenetic of prostate cancerGenetic and epigenetic of prostate cancer
折叠 Lifestyles of prostate cancerLifestyles of prostate cancer
展开 Demographic characteristics Demographic characteristics
展开 Habits and behaviorsHabits and behaviors
Physical activity
展开 EnvironmentEnvironment
展开 MineralMineral
展开 VitaminVitamin
展开 Drug and operationDrug and operation
展开 DiseasesDiseases
展开 Social factorsSocial factors
折叠 FoodsFoods
展开 Physiological and biochemicalPhysiological and biochemical
展开 Food additivesFood additives
展开 Unclear typeUnclear type
展开 Diagnostic aspects of prostate cancerDiagnostic aspects of prostate cancer
展开 Therapeutic aspects of prostate cancerTherapeutic aspects of prostate cancer
Dietary inflammatory index
Preferred Name Dietary Inflammatory Index
Definition The centered percentile score for each food parameter for each individual was then multiplied by the respective food parameter effect score (inflammatory potential for each food parameter), which was derived through a review of the literature, in order to obtain a food parameter-specific DII score for an individual. The overall DII score was calculated, for each participant, as a linear combination of all of the food parameter-specific DII scores,12 as follows: DII=b1×n1 + b2×n2……….b31×n31, where b refers to the literature-derived inflammatory effects score for each of the evaluable food parameters and n refers to the food parameter-specific centered percentiles, which were derived from the current case–control study dietary data. A description of the validation work, including both dietary recalls and a structured questionnaire similar to a FFQ, also is available.11 The methodology is depicted in Supporting Information Appendix.
Synonyms & Abbreviations Dietary Inflammatory Index
ReferenceCode NA
ReferenceURL NA
PMID 27242333
Copyright (C) 2022 Institutes for Systems Genetics, Sichuan University West China Hospital. All Rights Reserved.