Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University, Suzhou China
Green tea 绿茶
Black tea 红茶
Polyphenols 多酚类化合物
Alcohol 酒精
Coffee 咖啡
Sleep 睡眠
Tobacco smoke 抽烟
Sexual behavior 性行为
Diet style 饮食方式
Leisure time 休闲
Physical activity 体力活动
Environment 环境
Acrylamide 丙烯酰胺
Air pollution 环境污染
Asbestos insulation 石棉绝缘
Bisphenol A 双酚A
Environmental exposure 环境暴露
Pesticides 杀虫剂
Chlordecone 氯癸酮
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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Data Platform
Prostate Cancer Life Style Ontology
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