Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University, Suzhou China
High-Dose Rate brachytherapy 高剂量率近距离放射治疗
Iodine-125 碘-125
Iridium-192 铱-192
Low-dose rate brachytherapy 低剂量率近距离放射治疗
Palladium-103 钯-103
Side effects of percutaneous irradiation and brachytherapy 经皮照射与近距离放射治疗的副作用
Other radiotherapy 其他放射治疗
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiotherapy 新辅助化疗加放疗
Neoadjuvant or adjuvant hormone therapy plus radiotherapy 新辅助或辅助激素治疗加放疗
Most common complication after radiotherapy for prostate cancer 前列腺癌放疗后最常见并发症
Long-term complications after radiotherapy 长期并发症
Short-term complications after radiotherapy 短期并发症
Cryotherapy 冷冻疗法
Cryosurgical ablation of the prostate (CSAP) 前列腺癌的冷冻消融治疗
Hormonal therapy 激素疗法
Castration 去势治疗
Surgical castration 手术去势
Medical castration 药物去势
Continuous hormonal therapy 持续性内分泌治疗
Intermittent hormonal therapy 间歇性内分泌治疗
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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Data Platform
Prostate Cancer Life Style Ontology
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