Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Sichuan University West China Hospital, Sichuan China
折叠 Prostate cancerProstate cancer
展开 Epidemiological aspects of prostate cancerEpidemiological aspects of prostate cancer
展开 Diagnostic aspects of prostate cancerDiagnostic aspects of prostate cancer
折叠 Therapeutic aspects of prostate cancerTherapeutic aspects of prostate cancer
展开 Deferred treatmentDeferred treatment
展开 SurgerySurgery
折叠 RadiotherapyRadiotherapy
展开 CryotherapyCryotherapy
展开 Hormonal therapyHormonal therapy
展开 ChemotherapyChemotherapy
展开 Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)
展开 Metastatic prostate cancerMetastatic prostate cancer
展开 Other treatmentOther treatment
Preferred Name Palladium Pd-103
Definition A radioisotope of the metal palladium used in brachytherapy implants or 'seed'. With a half-life of 17 days, palladium 103 administered with brachytherapy allows continuous, tumor-site specific low-energy irradiation to the tumor cell population while sparing normal adjacent tissues from radiotoxicity. (NCI04)/NCI-GLOSS Definition: A radioactive form of palladium (a metallic element that resembles platinum). When used to treat prostate cancer, radioactive seeds (small pellets that contain radioactive palladium) are placed in the prostate. Cancer cells are killed by the energy given off as the radioactive material breaks down and becomes more stable.
Synonyms & Abbreviations Palladium Pd 103
Palladium Pd-103
Pd 103
radioactive palladium
ReferenceCode NCI Thesaurus Code:C2550
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