Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University, Suzhou China
Urinary urgency 尿急
Nocturia 夜尿增多
Voiding symptoms 排尿期症状
Urinary hesitancy 排尿等待
Micturition arduous 排尿费力
Weak stream 尿线变细
Split urinary stream 尿线分叉
Intermittency 间断性排尿
Postvoiding symptoms 排尿后症状
Incomplete bladder emptying 尿不尽
Postvoid dribbling 尿后滴沥
Bone pain 骨痛
Hematuria 血尿
Long term complication of medication 药物长期并发症
Other symptoms 其他症状
Clinical diagnosis 临床诊断
Physical examination 体格检查
Height 身高
Body weight 体重
BMI 身体质量指数
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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Data Platform
Prostate Cancer Life Style Ontology
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