折叠 Prostate cancerProstate cancer
折叠 Prostate cancer lifestyleProstate cancer lifestyle
展开 Demographic characteristicDemographic characteristic
展开 Physiological characteristic Physiological characteristic
折叠 Nutrient and bioactive food componentNutrient and bioactive food component
展开 Food and beverageFood and beverage
展开 Habit and behaviorHabit and behavior
展开 Social factorSocial factor
展开 Environmental factorEnvironmental factor
展开 Clinical characteristicClinical characteristic
Preferred Name Iron
Definition An element with atomic symbol Fe, atomic number 26, and atomic weight 55.85.
NCI-GLOSS Definition: An important mineral the body needs to make hemoglobin, a substance in the blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body. Iron is also an important part of many other proteins and enzymes needed by the body for normal growth and development. It is found in red meat, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, and foods with iron added, such as cereal.
Synonyms & Abbreviations Fe
ReferenceCode NCI Thesaurus Code:C598
ReferenceURL https://ncit.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI_Thesaurus&ns=ncit&code=C598
Influence type
Subgroups and cutoffs
PMID 17634273
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