Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Sichuan University West China Hospital, Sichuan China
折叠 前列腺癌前列腺癌
展开 前列腺癌流行病学前列腺癌流行病学
展开 前列腺癌的诊断前列腺癌的诊断
折叠 前列腺癌的治疗前列腺癌的治疗
展开 延期治疗延期治疗
展开 外科手术外科手术
展开 放射疗法放射疗法
展开 冷冻疗法冷冻疗法
展开 激素疗法激素疗法
展开 化疗化疗
展开 去势抵抗性前列腺癌(CRPC)去势抵抗性前列腺癌(CRPC)
展开 转移性前列腺癌转移性前列腺癌
折叠 其他治疗方式其他治疗方式
展开 老年男性前列腺癌的治疗老年男性前列腺癌的治疗
展开 局部前列腺癌除手术和放疗以外的其他初级治疗选择局部前列腺癌除手术和放疗以外的其他初级治疗选择
展开 局部前列腺癌患者的治疗后生活质量局部前列腺癌患者的治疗后生活质量
折叠 根治性目的治疗后仅限PSA复发的治疗根治性目的治疗后仅限PSA复发的治疗
Preferred Name Post-radiotherapy biochemical recurrence
Definition Similar to patients experiencing PSA-recurrence after RP, patients with a PSA-rise following RT can be subdivided into prognostic categories. A high-risk subgroup with elevated risk of metastases and PCSM are those patients with a PSA-DT < 3 months, time to biochemical progression < 3 years, biopsy Gleason score 8-10 and clinical stage cT3b-T4. Conversely, patients at low risk of metastases and PCSM are those with a PSA-DT > 15 months, biopsy Gleason score < 7, clinical stage < cT3a and time to biochemical progression> 3 years. Zumsteg et al. have designed a risk score to further subdivide patients who develop PSA recurrence following RT. Those with either 0, 1 or > 2 high-risk factors (PSA-DT < 3 months, time to biochemical progression < 3 years, biopsy Gleason score 8-10 and clinical stage cT3b-T4) have an increased risk of developing metastases and PCSM.Again, the choice of local salvage treatment (salvage RP, salvage cryo, salvage HIFU, salvage brachytherapy)should be guided by the life expectancy and oncological risk profile of each patient, together with the patient’s expectations.
Synonyms & Abbreviations Post-radiotherapy biochemical recurrence
ReferenceCode NA
ReferenceURL NA
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