Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Sichuan University West China Hospital, Sichuan China
折叠 Prostate cancerProstate cancer
展开 Epidemiological aspects of prostate cancerEpidemiological aspects of prostate cancer
展开 Diagnostic aspects of prostate cancerDiagnostic aspects of prostate cancer
折叠 Therapeutic aspects of prostate cancerTherapeutic aspects of prostate cancer
展开 Deferred treatmentDeferred treatment
展开 SurgerySurgery
展开 RadiotherapyRadiotherapy
展开 CryotherapyCryotherapy
展开 Hormonal therapyHormonal therapy
展开 ChemotherapyChemotherapy
展开 Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)
折叠 Metastatic prostate cancerMetastatic prostate cancer
展开 Other treatmentOther treatment
Non-steroidal anti-androgen (NSAA) monotherapy
Preferred Name Non-steroidal anti-androgen (NSAA) monotherapy
Definition A systematic review has been published comparing non-steroidal antiandrogen monotherapy to castration (either medical or surgical) by the Cochrane group. The key message is that use of non-steroidal antiandrogen monotherapy compared with medical or surgical castration monotherapy for advanced PCa is less effective in terms of OS, clinical progression, treatment failure and treatment discontinuation due to adverse events. The evidence quality was rated as moderate.
Synonyms & Abbreviations Non-steroidal anti-androgen (NSAA) monotherapy
ReferenceCode NA
ReferenceURL NA
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