Prostate Cancer Ontology
Center for Systems Biology, Sichuan University West China Hospital, Sichuan China
折叠 前列腺癌前列腺癌
展开 前列腺癌流行病学前列腺癌流行病学
展开 前列腺癌的诊断前列腺癌的诊断
折叠 前列腺癌的治疗前列腺癌的治疗
展开 延期治疗延期治疗
展开 外科手术外科手术
展开 放射疗法放射疗法
展开 冷冻疗法冷冻疗法
展开 激素疗法激素疗法
折叠 化疗化疗
展开 去势抵抗性前列腺癌(CRPC)去势抵抗性前列腺癌(CRPC)
展开 转移性前列腺癌转移性前列腺癌
展开 其他治疗方式其他治疗方式
Preferred Name Sipuleucel-T
Definition A cell-based vaccine composed of autologous antigen-presenting peripheral blood mononuclear cells (enriched for a dendritic cell fraction) that have been exposed to a recombinant protein consisting of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) fused to prostatic-acid phosphatase (PAP), a protein expressed by prostate cancer cells. Upon administration, the vaccine may stimulate an antitumor T-cell response against tumor cells expressing PAP. (NCI05)/NCI-GLOSS Definition: A drug used to treat prostate cancer that has spread. It is made from immune system cells collected from a patient with prostate cancer. The cells are treated with a protein that is made by combining a protein found on prostate cancer cells with a growth factor. When the cells are injected back into the patient, they may stimulate T cells to kill prostate cancer cells. Provenge is a type of vaccine and a type of cellular adoptive immunotherapy.
Synonyms & Abbreviations APC8015
APC8015 Vaccine
PA2024 (PAP/GM-CSF)-Loaded Dendritic Cell Vaccine
ReferenceCode NCI Thesaurus Code:C1985
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